Last Saturday was the annual Zouk Members Party and the theme this year was SUPERMART!
Hahahaha SO CUTE RIGHT omg the Zouk team is really damn creative for coming up with all these ideas every year. As usual, I was damn late to go hahaha cause I was rushing from school and running errands/shopping HAHAH I spent so much I wanted to cry but ok the shoes are damn gorgeous LOOK LOOK
DAMN NICE RIGHT <3 But mofo pain especially the holographic ones ugh
Anyways I had these super cute banana earrings that I got IN SECONDARY ONE HAHAHAH that's like a gazillion years ago. Never wore them cause idk what fever brain took over me that made me buy them in the first place.
Omg is this what I'll look like with short hair HAHAha
I think everyone was half gone already though cause of the free flow HAHAHAH
MY FAVOURITE LAWRY'S STEAK <3 HAHAHA my god I can eat this everyday
And headed down to check out the Mona Lisa at the Old Parliament house earlier this week!
HAHAHAHA what was I doing -.-
They found Da Vinci's first and original Mona Lisa and it's so gorgeous omg. Honestly the one hanging in the Louvre looks kinda...mannish right?:/ idk Hahahaha

HAHAH and I cleaned up my shoe cupboard to make space for my new shoes and now I think I really have to stop buying heels :/ there's no more space but omg I LOVE STARING AT HOW NEAT EVERYTHING IS HAHAHAH I don't think I'm super OCD or anything though my sister will beg to differ but DOESN'T IT JUST FEEL SO SATISFYING TO SEE EVERYTHING STRAIGHT AND ORGANISED HAHAHAH.
Also, HAHAHAH GUYS I'M LEARNING TENNIS NOW HAHAHAHAH after years of not exercising omg HAHAHA had my first tennis lesson and it was damn fun AND I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO HIT THE BALLS OK HAHAHAHA can't wait to play again.
Hahaha k time for me to pack my room and get some homework done HAHA BYE GUYS!